Geraldine Downs
Region: Canterbury
Contact Person: Rhys Taylor
Our bush restoration project on the Geraldine Downs is alive and well (and the bush somewhat taller). We run native tree planting days and weed busting events at intervals, supported by friends and neighbours. As at 2022, after talking with QEII Trust, we now have 3 hectares protected by covenant.
The 3 hectare area of bush is now fenced, with some grant-aided woody weed control done to tackle sycamore and hawthorn. There is a native canopy of mahoe, pittosporums, coprosmas and hebes which is establishing above the gorse quite quickly, thanks to mild winters. It will require further weed intervention for the remaining hawthorn, wild currant, elder and Chilean flame creeper. Nearby sites of passionfruit vine and old man’s beard have not been spotted yet as invaders. Some margin planting was started in 2021, to extend the protected area and keep back gorse.
Volunteer help welcome.